NOVA Stock Borrowing & Lending

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Complete Solution

With the complexity and volume of corporate action events increasing, the NOVA Corporate Actions provides a centralised and reconciled view of corporate actions across all markets, asset classes or currencies.

invoice malaysia

Simple & Flexible

The platform allows users to define and create corporate action types and workflow instead of depending on development changes, thereby significantly increasing efficiency and enabling faster time to market.


Events Agnostic

The NOVA platform supports corporate actions from cash dividends, bonus issue, share split, consolidation, interest payment and more

Stock lending and borrowing, also known as securities lending, is a financial mechanism where you allow another party—typically a financial institution—to temporarily borrow stocks that you already own. In return, you receive a fee for this arrangement. Think of it as “renting” out your stocks for institutions or other parties to use. NOVA Stock Borrowing & Lending module supports the broker in lending their own stock and borrowing stock to support their market making operation or to reduce failed settlement. Stock Loan transactions are entered as stand-alone transactions with only Principal trades – between an internal, house book and the market, being supported. The SWIFT messaging for reporting SBL transactions for settlement is highly automated with the settlement revaluation and return all being processed on the back of messages received from Stock exchanges (e.g.: Euroclear UK & Ireland system, CREST).



End-to-End STP to reduce manual workload

Real-time APIs to automate SBL processing

Improve Operational Efficiency

with automated Striaght Through Processing and multi tier architecture

Reduce Cost

operate more efficiently, and minimise risk with cloud-hosted infrastructure

Scalable & Future-Ready

with multi tier architecture enabling load balancing and increased security

Lower Security Risks

multi tier architecture that isolates critical data under several encrypted layers

Strong Clearing & settlement

ecosystem with direct interface with all major CSDs across APAC

Improve Compliance

to ever-eveolving regulatory requirements across multiple jurisdictions

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